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The Morrison Apartments, Randolph NJ - Case Study


Currently Owned & Managed by Red Knight Properties

  • Acquired 100% occupied apartment building in desirable Randolph Township on the border of Morristown, New Jersey
  • Successfully evicted multiple tenants for non-payment of rent within a month of ownership and subsequently re-tenanted the vacancies in two weeks thereafter
  • Locked-in long-term financing at an all-in 3.25% fixed interest rate
  • Achieved a 20.19% leveraged cash-on-cash return within twelve (12) months of the investment period (year 1)
  • Achieved a 32.43% leveraged cash-on-cash return in year two (2) of the investment period
  • Achieved a 40.08% leveraged cash-on-cash return in year three (3) of the investment period
  • Returned over 100% of investors equity since ownership through solely cash flow distributions (to-date)
  • Red Knight Properties plans to hold the real estate investment long-term for cash flow, principal pay down, and tax advantages

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