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What We Do

We are commercial real estate investors who acquire well-located apartment & mixed-use properties where we can add value and increase rents through physical upgrades and improved property management practices.


We review hundreds of properties each year, and only invest in those few that meet our stringent safety, yield, and equity growth targets. We use advanced underwriting techniques to determine the underlying value of each property and utilize our market knowledge. This often enables us to see opportunities where others do not. Our exceptional due diligence process is designed to eliminate as much risk as possible before we offer it as an investment. We only acquire properties in which we are confident we can increase the value.


  • 20+ units ($1-20MM deal size)
  • Class B and C properties
  • Strong growth fundamentals
  • High barrier-to-entry markets
  • Well below replacement cost
  • Diversified rent roll
  • Mismanaged due to self-management
  • Well located, value-add multifamily and mixed use assets
  • Significantly increase rental rates by leveraging superior leasing knowledge and network
  • Physical, operational or financial improvement that can be addressed through superior management
  • Poor oversight of third-party management
  • In Place Cash Flow
  • 3-5 Year Holding Period
  • Opportunity to reposition asset by renovating existing structure, re-branding asset and driving rental rates and/or vacancy
  • Transit-oriented and/or urban-centric markets throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.
  • Zero to limited rent control
  • Deferred maintenance


We do that quite well because we are, at heart, true value investors. One of the ways we create value is by making sure that every improvement to our properties increases its worth by significantly more than the cost of the improvement. We monitor our properties first-hand to make sure that all are being managed properly and that improvements get done efficiently and cost effectively.

Our Process

We operate a five-phased approach that begins and ends with the
acquisition of strong assets that meet our stringent purchase criteria.



Buy in growth markets and perform comprehensive due diligence to increase income and valuation.



Rehab interiors/exteriors & re-brand property to attract higher quality tenants and higher rents.



Have property re-appraised, which capitalizes on newly created value & return a significant piece of investors capital back.


Cash Flow

Put in place our or third-party property management team to continue daily operations, while investors enjoy a high yielding tax-efficient asset.



Sell asset at an increased price due to forced appreciation through value-add enhancements and enjoy profit.

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